The Grant Hub

On this site I will be sharing general links and resources of relevance for proposal writers and project partners

Further, this is also the site where I will share links and resources dsicussed in the individual podcast episodes

This site will grow orgnically as I move on.

Get the grant!

General resources

Funding and tenders portal

This is the official portal for all calls and tenders from the EU Commission. This is also the official site for registering and submitting proposals.

The Grant podcast episodes with introduction to the portal

Platform with overview of all Infodays and brokerage events

Matchmaking for proposals

This is the singular most important site for identifying matchmaking events in Brussels and across Europe to meet people either online or physically for proposal and project collaboration.

Calls identification and ideas and partners exchange

This is a free platform that a French grants consultancy company has developed. Here you can screen funding calls, upload your proposal ideas and upload your partner search. It also contains a person profile database where you can search for professional consultants that could be useful in your grants application process.

Proposal support

Guidance on communication, dissemination and exploitation

The EU Commission's own guidance on the definitions

Useful webinars

Official EU Commission webinars

How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (Morning session)

How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (afternoon session)

The Funding & Tenders Portal for beginners

Lump Sum funding in Horizon Europe

Useful SoMe channels

Link to EU Science & Innovation Youtube channel

Private company ressources

Knowledge base

The consultancy company Enspire Science Ltd. has developed a great knowledge base with links to resources, funding schemes, articles etc. It is very well structured with entrances to all the key European funding programmes. Further, Enspire has included some of their tools free for use

Private consultancy platform proposal support services

OpenCosmos is a consultancy service based on subscription. Nikolaos Floratos (guest on episode #43) has developed the services on the platform based on more than 20 years of experience. The services are based on support and coaching - writing service is not included in the services. The Grant does not recieve affiliated remuneration for linking to the platform

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