Campus Episodes

The Grant Campus is the podcast series dedicated to universities and privat research organisations. I zoom in on accessing EU R&D funding from a research organisation's point-of-view. Focus will be dedicated to both public and private research challenges to access the EU R&D funding including time constraints for researchers, access to industry and SME networks, opening up European research networks and how to deal with the proposal writing process. The Grant Campus will dedicate efforts to interviews and panel discussions with researchers and R&D support organisations.

#23 & 24 The NTNU Brussels Office - w. guest Massimo Busuoli
#32 VITO's way up - Building a research organisation on EU funds w. guest Ludo Diels
#39 & #40 The foRMAtion project - An ERASMUS+ example w. guest Virág Zsár
#41 & #42 How to brokerage - Networking for EU funding w. guest Lara Valentin Carrera
#70 Artificial intelligence R&D and EU funding w. guest Antonio M. Ortiz
#72 NTNU - EU funding approach (NTNU panel)
#83 The National Contact Points - An introduction w. guest Ana Sutcliffe
#84 Innovation strategy in research organisations w. guest Gabrielle Lovasz
#85 "Collaboration in EU projects" - A book conversation w. guest Giulia Parola
#86 Eat the frog - A tool for coordinators w. guest Isabel Burdallo
#87 REDOL - A Horizon Europe project
#93 Chemistry research and EU funding
#95 Building funding capacities in research
#99 & #100 From lab to consultant - A conversation with INRAE
#109 Mastering Brussels - The story of DTU WIND
#119 scientifyRESEARCH -
Giving researchers a hand
#123 Staying sane as research manager
#128 Managing Lump Sum

Advisory Board capacities on public and private research

Jonas Hansen

Senior Funding Manager & Team Lead

Digilead (DK)

Melanie Büscher

Team Lead

IT University of Copenhagen (DK)


Way2Connect (DK)

Paw Mortensen

Strategic Advisor

Aalborg University (DK)


Heatflow (DK)

Blaz Likozar


National Institute of Chemistry (SL)

Brigita Serafinavičiūtė

Research Advisor

Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania (LT)

Marie Prouteau

Senior Consultant

2IA Consulting (FR)

Jesús Serrano Moreno

Sustainability and Innovation Manager Sustainable Innovations Europe (ES)

Katarzyna Kowalska

President and Co-founder

UNIMOS Alliance (PL)

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