The Grant Consultants Corner Episodes

The EU R&D consultants sector is a very special one. It is packed with very strong people with research backgrounds and facilitation experience and in-depth administrative experience. The work is always playing up against tough deadlines and the need for strong business cases. It deserves its own corner for exchange on approaches, work load pressure, private consultant issues etc.

The Timeline Series -
Proposal preparation step-by-step
The Implementation Series -
Project implemetation bit-by-bit
The AI Series -
Unfolding and explaining LLM and Chatbots

#11 The Summer Struggle
#15 Break on through to the other side - communicating Horizon Europe
#25 Four day working week w. guest Christina Achilleos
#26 EIC Accelerator - From idea to project concept w. guest Sandra Anic
#30 Get to the point! Research input in Horizon proposals w. guest Yoram Bar-Zeev

#31 No-Copy-Approach - Shaping winning communication sections w. guest Sean Jones

#33 Christmas Special - Proposal preparation during Christmas
#34 & #35 Recruiting in grants consultancy
#43 No writing! - Alternative grants consultancy
#48 Crowdhelix - An open innovation platform
#73 Like a lice between two nails
#82 EMDESK - Managing proposals and projects
#85 "Collaborating in EU projects" - A book conversation
#119 Scientify - Giving researchers a hand
#133 Building communities for startups
#134 The pain of rejections

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