This podcast episode is part of a collaboration between Enspire Science and The Grant.
The introduction of the lump sum budget principle in Horizon Europe is one of the biggest changes in the EU framework programme for research and development for a decade. The principle has been introduced to secure more simplicity and less bureaucracy in the project implementation. In short, the principle secures more freedom in how to spend the allocated funding and less demanding financial reporting practices.
However, the devil is - as we all know - in the detail and some of the regulation in relation to the lump sum principle might create some unforeseen challenges both for the beneficiaries and the funding administrators in the European Commission.
Managing Director in Enspire Science Yoram Bar-Zeev is an expert in financial principles of the framework programmes. We teamed up for him to share with you and me the main principles of the lump sum approach and sharing some reflections on the positive elements and the implications we might run into.
Time codes:
00:01:58 Introduction
00:05:07 Fly in on Lump sum
00:27:50 Business as usual
00:32:59 How does it work?
01:14:34 News and updates
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