Enspire Science Series - #1 The coordination dilemma

Whether or not to coordinate a proposal and a project is the question many orginisations ask themselves especially in the beginning of a proposal preparation process.

There are many advantages attached to the role: you are in control of the narrative, you are in contact with all partners, you get the advantage of having the final say and you lift your organisation up into the higher spheres of R&D and innovation area that you are working in.

However, coordinating a proposal and a project is also a very intense work with a cacophony of responsibilities and tasks. Administratively your organisations has to be up to it to lift the work also under pressure. You are the one everybody is looking at, so you have to be ready to not only lead the logistics and processes, but also in relation to the content-related matters you need to follow the work that goes on throughout the full project – not just the ones that you have knowledge about yourself.

Andrea Ratkošová - Horizon Europe Grants Consultant and Project Manager at Enspire Science - has coordinated a large amount of proposal preparations and projects. We teamed up for a talk about what to be aware before talking the decision to coordinate a proposal or a project.

Time codes:

00:02:14 Introduction

00:11:24 To coordinate or not

00:15:02 The coordinator role

00:43:16 Responsibilities

00:58:32 Advantages and challenges

01:13:41 Do's and don't's

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Link to Andrea's blog article about this topic

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