The Grant has finally reached the university world. Under the label The Grant Campus I will also cover this crucial area as I move on.First episode zooms in on the Brussels Office of the Norwegian University for Science and Technology. Many universities throughout Europe have chosen to establish an office in Brussels to get closer to the EU R&D eco-system both decision-makers, influencers and collaboration partners of strategic importance for the university faculties.
I have invited Head of NTNU Brussels Office Massimo Busuoli into the virtual podcast studio to share with us the why NTNU established an office in Brussels, how they use the representation strategically, what the university gets out of it and finally – and not least – the crucial question of how they efficiently coordinate work with more than 1000 kilometers apart and secure a strong connection to all corners of a big university.The episode has been divided into two and in this first half we focus on how to secure a strong connection back home with a vibrant collaboration and achieving important results when the physical distance between the liaison office and the university is more than a 1000 kilometers.
The episode has been divided into two. The first part offers advice on how to strategically and practically approach running a Brussels liaison office and securing a strong organisational connection between the two entities.
In the second half we have a talk about how their office work practically, learn about the key role the Brussels office has in NTNUs strategic lobby activities and shed light on how it helps the university in getting into a bunch of flagship Horizon Europe proposals with just the right consortia.The episode offers advice on how to strategically and practically approach running a Brussels liaison office and how to get the most out of your lobby efforts towards Horizon Europe work programmes and at the same time benefit on joining concrete top-ranging proposals.
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