#117 Test facilities and EU R&D funding

Test and demonstration facilities plays a vital role in the green transition of our society. Simply because before new technical solutions and innovation processes can be implemented in production and industry there is a need to understand in a safe isolated environment how they function in real life.

The EU Commission funds a lot of research and innovation projects that pushes the boundaries of technologies which means that test activities are needed in the last steps of the development processes.

The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is such a facility. The test plant is specialized – as the company name suggests – within the bio-based and circular sectors. Hence, the facility plays a key role on testing and demonstrating a lot of the ground-breaking solutions within the food and agricultural sectors and in developing sustainable production methods to remove chemicals and other harmful ingredients from our daily life.

I invited European Project Manager, Tanja Meyer, from the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant into the virtual podcast studio for a talk about what they are doing at the plant and how they are working practically and strategically with EU funding. Follow the time codes in the episode notes if you want to skip the bio-based conversation and go directly to the EU funding conversation.

Time codes:

00:02:02 Introduction

00:03:57 Fly in on the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

00:05:52 The organisation in a nutshell

00:22:33 The services and the functions

00:44:38 Test facilities and EU funding

01:19:18 Practical examples

01:22:46 Future perspectives

01:24:35 The toughest challenge

Further help and links

Link to the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Connect with Tanja Meyer on LinkedIn

Link to the project site of the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant