#115 A Kick Off meeting - The WIN4SMES case

Photos from the face-to-face recording in Hamburg

Last year one of the close collaboration partners of the organisation I work for, invited us into an Erasmus+ proposal. Regulars will know that I normally hesitate due to the intense work pressure of proposal preparation, but here the effort from our side was minimal and the focus of the proposal fitted hand-in-glove with our core missions. Hence, we accepted to join.

Luckily, it was a well-conducted proposal and a strong coordinator which without doubt was a key reason for the proposal to be funded – together with a strong project concept, naturally.

The project is now running and for the Kick Off meeting in Hamburg in the beginning of April 2024. I decided to bring my recording kit for the occasion that a opportunity would pop up for doing an episode. And of course it did.

Representatives from the coordinator organisation, Hanse-Parlament, President Max Hogeforster and Project Manager Anna Maria Czarny agreed to record an episode introducing the project and then zooming in on the kick off meeting, the function of a kick off meeting and how they have planned this one. So, welcome to my very first face-to-recording. The sound is a little different, so bear with me.

Time codes:

00:01:56 Introduction

00:04:40 The WIN4SMES project in a nutshell

00:14:54 The COVE concept

00:21:24 Kick Off meeting considerations

00:35:17 Next steps

Further help and links

Link to Hanse-Parlament

Connect with Max Hogeforster on LinkedIn

Connect with Anna Marie Czarny on LinkedIn

Link to the WIN4SMES LinkedIn site