One of the key reasons for my motivation to build this podcast was because I could not find any podcasts on EU R&D funding back when I was working as private consultant. The rest is history and you are now listening to the result. However, as I have moved on I indeed have identified other podcast initiatives. And I am strongly supporting them. We need more sound.
Independent grants consultant Ilaria Rudisi, creator of the Italian-languaged podcast Dinamica Europa, and Innovation Hub Manager Tomas Pavlik, creator of the Slovak-languaged podcast Grant Up are running two of the most steady podcasts on EU R&D funding in Europe. To explain what moves us podcasters and hopefully inspire others to get going, I invited them into the virtual podcast studio for a talk about what is driving them forward and giving some advice to others who would like to get started.
It became a nice talk about how a big heart for EU funding and communicating via sound can shape beautiful new universes to move people in the real world.
Time codes:
00:01:54 Introduction
00:09:29 Fly in on available podcasts
00:16:11 Introduction to Dinamica Europa and Grant Up podcasts
00:43:10 Podcast strategies
01:07:34 Inspiring others
01:17:18 The toughest challenge
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