This is the second release of episodes under my short format The Grant Shorts. This is the first out of the three episodes where I zoom in on my 2nd job within this sector: Funding Consultant at The Alliance for Offshore Renewables – an initiative to secure more EU funding for the Danish offshore renewable sector.
In this episode I give an overview of the three core activities we were carrying out: 1) identify funding schemes and calls of interest, 2) search and identify strong proposals under preparation to facilitate stakeholders into and 3) influencing the Framework Programme work programmes.
The episode gives inspiration to any organisation operating within these spheres in Brussels as well as in locally.
Time codes:
00:02:01 Introduction
00:03:13 Fly in on job #2
00:08:01 How we helped the sector
00:12:22 Strategies reaching companies
00:17:32 How to approach Brussels
00:19:41 The lobby part
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