Rural business support is a quite distinct exercise especially when it comes to attracting EU funding to the support organisation or members and stakeholders. These communities are notoriously low on resources to carry out more than the bare necessities. Simply because of the lack of tax payers and industry. There are an endless amount of municipalities and regions in Europe that have this as a baseline condition.
To be able to do more in the community some local business support units move their eyes towards the EU funding opportunities to leverage their activity with external funding.
Project Manager Mette Lerdorf is working for the local business support organisation, Stevns Business Council, in a rural region south of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is a good old contact and of course I have pushed for her to come by the virtual podcast studio to share the same struggle that many of you out there fight every day. Mette shares with us how they work together with the local authorities in the municipality and what approach she is carrying out to attract the much needed external funding for their region.
The episodes offers insight on how to work with the EU funding area under conditions with few resources.
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